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8 Sparkles ?

Friday, April 20, 2012 | 9:21 AM | 3 comments
Assalammualaikum, So, Hi everyone. What the hell-o all? How are you? I'm fine. Thank you. Long time no see. This is short update form me. I've nothing idea what to update. I dunno what the hell, ape kejadah aku nak update -..- Nie semua sebab kau, Elia! Ya, kau punca paksa aku update. And I was like this

 bila Elia paksa aku update,
-Forget it-

After SPM, peti surat rumah aku dh macam barang panas dh. Everyday, surat from IPTS. Deme tawarkan mcm mcm, dpt tawaran PTPTN lah. computer riba lah, yuran semester yg rendah. LOL, Ayat yg paling tk boleh belah sekali "Pelajar kami akan menjadi buruan syarikat selepas graduate" "Pelajar kami mendapat kejayaan 100%"

And like was this bila dia cakap mcm tuh

Well, for the excellent achievers, there will be not much problem for them to decide what career to take up. Yg dpt straight A tuh, sejuk perut mak bapak mengkome plus dpt la masuk 'Asasi' 'A-Level'. Awak nie ape yg mampu 3A je.*buat muka* But for me kan, SPM is not as markers of success. Yes, SPM penting waktu umur kau 17 tahun je. But, after SPM tak boleh melakukan anything role in determining your future. Kau sendiri kena tentukan hidup kau, bukannya SPM. I'm do not to deny it. SPM result will play a role for our lives, in direct or not. Who got excellent result,  mostly take a different paths berbanding yg kurang cemerlang. Tetapi ia tidak akan menentukan hidup korang berjaya atau tidak. Nuff said. Tunggu result UPU haram lambat lagi. Here snapshot cos yg aku pilih: 

*Ya Allah, please please please please, Dapat la Ya Allah*

Let say, kalau tk dpt la UPU nie, Hmm form6 la jawabnya. For your information, Form6 or STPM is better than a diploma, because of the course and STPM certificate is easier use to connect to a degree level. Tapi, ramai je cakap STPM susah sebab ape? Sebab kena balik ke sekolah. Itu je. Alah, kehidupan di Universiti bukan gilang gemilang pon. -..- Alah, kepada yg tak tahu nak kemana, means, nak ke Asasi/Foundation ke? Diploma? Or STPM? tak penting pon. Yang beza kan cuma sooner or later you can work ataupon sooner or later you get degree. After able degree at the same time, all depending on your own to succeed or not.

*Aku tk tipu*Tolong percaya*

Choosing a career path after leaving high school is never that straightforward as most people even for excellent achievers. In fact,  in the real world out there, many people I know are pursuing career they would  never ever dreamed of doing. Hahahaha. So, tk semestinya result SPM teruk, kau nak patah hati tk nak sambung belajar.  

Lol 'Selangkah ke UITM' Mengkome pergi tak? On  24th and 25th March lepas, public and those who intend for futher their studies were invited to this expo. Rugi gila siapa tk pergi. You may get to know the courses available in UITM. There a lot of faculties in UITM which offer various course. You may choose the one suit your interest. LOL *Aku cakap mcm Perdana Menteri* Pergi sana tumpang org. Dh mcm sardine duduk dlm kereta nakharom. Hahahahhahaha Padat padat!
Here us: 

Delete delete delete delete delete delete delete. Aku sayang photo nie.

*Ya, sumpah sumpah, muka kau curious gila, mcm nak tolong org kena rogol. Hahah*

*Kami jumpa hotsetap Pavilion* *Naim* Hahhaahahahahahahahahahahah

*Cun nakharom doe kome, Sumpah*

Kau nampak tak aku hero dekat situ? Be jelly? Hahahahha, Love uooall!

K, malas dh nak upload gambar -..- LOL. I hate this feeling. Aku dh malas nak menaip.

Lastly, to those SPM-ers of 2011- Congratulations to all of you, all of you deserved a pat on the back for all the hard work you have put in regardless the result you have obtained. I hope all of you will have a successful future in the career of your. 

Insya-Allah. Ehh, kau jgn lupa like*babi nakharom paksa org like* hahaha. Baik kau like! Take care all. Lots of love.
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