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8 Sparkles ?

Sunday, April 8, 2012 | 5:14 AM | 0 comments


Hello peeps. Sorry, sebab lama gila tak update. So, Whatcha doing now? Bam, bosan tahap tenuk dh nie, tak tahu nak buat ape dh. Just online, dengar lagu. Tak ada life -.-t Bukak je Facebook mesti ada org tanya 'Dik, result SPM berapa? Hmm, What the hell-o. Hmm, tak boleh buat Mak Ayah senyum lebar.

 Hmm. Anyway, aku mengaku, aku antara student yg pemalas nakharom. Hahahaha Banyak main gila babis. But hey! If I was one of the best student with staright A's last time do you think I'll do a entry thing like this? *Perasan.jpg* I may end up being a nerd noob Medical Specialist or maybe a bookworm Lecturer*Insya-Allah someday* So, I guess this is path that God make way for me as a consequence of my past. Hmm. 

Here, some photo of us during nak pergi amek result SPM.

Given name Siti Aisyah. Hahahaha Cha, seriously, muka kau nampak mcm budak Straight A's. Tenang cukup.  

Our Big Mama, *yg baju hijau* Hahahahaha, Queen of 5Sc, Puan Minachi. lol, Thanks sebab selama nie tahan kerenah kami. Hmm *buat muka*

Ape hal Dettol dekat tepi tuh*Bajet Gangster*

*Tina dgn Anis lawa nakharom*

*Elia buduh! Mata merah tangan nangis*

Someone please told me how to delete this photo! How? *cari button delete* Hahahaha Buduh Jah!

*Amsyar cun* A boy with ball -Amirul Rahimi. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

I swear I love this photo*Maaf, Elia jgn jealous*

Aduh ke laut dh cerita aku nie.  Actually, I miss you school,my class 5Sceince /SMK Ahmad Boestamam. Five year aku dekat sana. And to be honest, most of my Smabian batch is my good friend. They are like blood brothers and sisters to me. I guess thats because mana tidaknya kita org satu asrama kan. Pagi petang siang malan spenti time together. We grow up together. So, ape pon yg terjadi. Kita tetap kawan kan? Hmm Distance never seperates us. Bam tahu, korang akan baca entry nie. Aku nak korang tahu, aku syg korang semua mcm adik beradik aku. :) Ha'ah lupa aku nak bagi tahu mengkome result aku berapa kan? Nak ke? Nak? Nak ke tak nak nie? Hmm Nak?
*Bunyi dram*










So here is:
 Ehh. Fuck you bitch. Wrong photo!
      Sorry Sorry Sorry



Here it is:
Oh! No! Wrong Again!



Hahaha. There there! Sorry low-megapixel. Nampak tak? Nampak? Hahaha , Pandai kan? 
I was like


Well, apa-apa pon. Aku nak ucapkan tahniah to all friend syg berjaya&cemerlang. Congrats! And to yang tidak berjaya including me,There's always a second chance dear. It is up to you whether you wanna grab the second chance or let the result haunted you. Note that. Lol K, dh bosan dh.  Malas nak menaip! Hmm Kbye. Ehh ehh, jgn lupa like. Kalau kau tak like siap kau *asah parang* Take care all.
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